“Imagine if your husband, brother, son or father was forced to fight a war they did not start.
– Lana Venckus.
A war started by an aggressive and evil network of terrorists hell bent on annihilating everyone and everything you hold sacred…
When russia launched its full scale invasion of Ukraine, husbands, brothers, sons and fathers stepped up to defend Europe as we know it.
To stop the escalation of World War 3.
Australia – they are defending you, defending the future of your children.
They deserve your support in any way you can give it.
Don’t wait until it’s too late.
The easiest thing you can do is email your parliamentarians and simply state that you want to know how they have used their voices to stop russia’s war on Ukraine.
Ask them why Bushmasters and Hawkeis still sit rusting in warehouses months after being pledged.
We can stop russia.
We just have to want to.”
Lietuvės Lanos Veronikos Venckus protestas prie Sidnėjaus rotušės: #stoprussia, #russiaisaterroriststate
